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Open letter | Welcome to your 20's

Happy Monday!

I know I know. I'm always starting out on positive note and that's for a reason. There are so many things to be happy and excited about. You're alive for one which is wonderful. You get to see a new day and get to interact with the people that you love the most. You made to your 20's and that's pretty wonderful. But for some reason you just find it hard to be happy. For some reason who struggle to keep up your positive attitude. Where did the happiness go? it feels like yesterday you were carefree. Nothing and no one could bother you. You were living on top of the world. Everything was great. But somewhere in that euphoria everything came crashing down and you're sitting there feeling all alone with no direction. You were so passionate and you worked really hard but for some reason that drive and that ambition have died just a little. Where's that inner cheerleader that gave you all that pep. Where did she go? You need to find her! Stop crying. Why are you crying? You've dealt with things like this before. Stop crying, pull yourself together, get a grip. Is it really that bad? What's really going on? You've never been this sad before.

Photo Credit to Muna Okoye

How do we fix you? How do we make you happy again? I wish some one would have told us it was going to be this hard. I wish someone would have said that life isn't all that you planned. That there are going to be obstacles and difficulties and not every day will be rainbows and kittens. I wish someone had spoken to you on taking the time to find yourself. Maybe that's what you need. Time to find yourself. Time to accept the change. Time to just cry and soothe yourself to a place where you know you can strive again and find your happiness. Welcome to your 20's where there are going to be twists and turns, and ups and downs, and things flown at you at all different directions. Welcome to your 20's where your happiness will fade in and out with no apparent reason. Welcome to your 20's where who you are is being redefined and reestablished. You're here, you have arrived and you've got 10 years to make the most of it to go through the trenches to make sure you come out a better version of yourself. Relax and take a deep breath because you got this. If anyone has got it, it's you and you know that.

Photo Credit to Muna Okoye

You are perfectly made, wonderful person who deserves the best. You deserve to have friends who believe in you, who want to see you succeed, who get excited for your success, who see you as partner and not a competitor. You deserve to have a life filled with positivity and optimism, with wonder and adventure. You deserve to be treated with respect and dignity, to be seen as professional and creative. You deserve all the love that is out in the world because you are worthy and enough. You don't need to prove yourself to other because the only person that matters has instilled in you everything that you need to fulfill your purpose. So again welcome to your 20's. Enjoy.

Photo Credit to Muna Okoye


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